Do You See Me? (2)

“O woman, your faith is great; be it done for you as you wish.” Matthew 15:28 Faith – The Canaanite refugee “caws” in her desperation. “Have pity on me, Son of David.” Her plea is not accidental. The title she uses (Son of David) says something important. This title was associated with the expected Messiah….

Do You See Me? (1)

“O woman, your faith is great; be it done for you as you wish.” Matthew 15:28 Faith – If love is what we all want, rejection is what we all fear. There is nothing quite as damaging as being told that you don’t belong. “Don’t bother me. Can’t you see I’m busy?” “What are you…

The Blessing

“And I also have heard the groanings of the sons of Israel, whom the Egyptians are enslaving. And I have remembered My covenant.” Exodus 6:5 Remembered – What did God remember? You’ll answer, “The covenant with Abraham, of course.” You’re right, but do you realize just what this implies? What is unique about the covenant…

Event Horizon

The grace of our Lord Yeshua HaMashiach with all of you. Amen. Philippians 4:23 Grace – Charis is one of the most important words in the Ketuvim Netzarim (New Testament). It is by grace (charis) alone that we are saved. God’s charis is our strength and shield as we await the return of His Son….

Now What Do We Do?

Thoughts about being a naturalized citizen of the Kingdom Today Israel simmers in tension.  Everywhere you go, you can feel the potential of explosive destruction.  You witness a nation filled with machine guns, mine fields and security guards.  The presence of constrained violence saturates the air like the smog that hangs over Jerusalem.  A divided…

David and Eve

He lies in wait secretly, like a lion in his den; he lies in ambush to catch the poor, drawing him into his net; Psalm 10:9 Lies In Wait – The NASB does us no favors by translating this Hebrew verb “lurks.” “He lurks in a hiding place” certainly does not convey the connection to…