Vowel Problems

To the woman He said, “I will greatly increase your sorrow and your conception – bring forth children in pain. And your desire is for your husband, and he does rule over you.” Genesis 3:16 (SRI) Greatly Increase – Perhaps we have become so numb to this story that we just don’t ask any questions…

Return from Israel

Hello All, We have safely returned from 2 weeks in Israel with Rabbi Bob Gorelik.  An amazing trip, filled with visual experiences, significant increases in understanding the Scripture and deeply emotional connections with land and people. Patrick sent out the first collection of photos.  There will be more.  Plus we video taped all the teaching…

No Fault Insurance

And the man said, “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I ate.” Genesis 3:12 You Gave – Sometimes the smallest details carry substantial implications. The story of Adam and Havvah is filled with very small details. Most are ignored by our all-too-familiar readings. What a…

Pictures from Israel

I’m sitting in the Ben Gurion aiport in Tel Aviv, Israel.  The last 10 days were incredible.  Here’s a YouTube video of pictures.  It’s a fraction of the several hundred that were taken.  Enjoy.

Italian Design

And your desire is for your husband, and he does rule over you. Genesis 3:16 Desire – This verse has created an incredible amount of grief within the Body. For centuries the Church interpreted the verse as a prescriptive curse, claiming that God intentionally turned the tables on the equality of creation as punishment for…

Social Security

“And he shall be to you a restorer of life and a sustainer of your old age.” Ruth 4:15 Restorer – Let’s do a little rabbinic exegesis. The women in Naomi’s circle told her, “Blessed be YHWH. He has not left you without a redeemer (go’el) that his name may be famous in Israel. And…

Living Signposts

And Bo’az took Ruth and she became his wife. And he went in to her, and YHWH granted her conception, and she bore a son. Ruth 4:13 Granted – Why is the book of Ruth even in the Tanakh? It’s about a Gentile woman. It’s filled with extraordinary, and perhaps scandalous, behavior. It seems like…

Hard To Swallow

Husbands, love your wives, and do not be embittered against them. Colossians 3:19 Be Embittered – OK, so husbands are supposed to love their wives. We know this is not just “feel good” love. Of course, love between a husband and a wife should feel good, but what Sha’ul has in mind is love that…