The Big Picture

“and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” Exodus 19:6 Kingdom – A very curious thing has happened to Christianity in the last 2000 years; something that may now be finally coming to an end.  I don’t mean the return of Yeshua.  In spite of the current crop of…

Prayer Request

Well, someone must want me to stay home.  Monday morning I started to feel bad and I have been in bed all day (or in the bathroom – take your pick).  So, I am asking for prayer from the community – right now.  I want to be on the plane to Israel on Wednesday.  Please…


On Wednesday, October 14, I am going to Israel with a group of Today’s Word readers.  While I am in Israel, I do not expect to be able to access the internet, nor will I be able to answer questions or fix problems.  Patrick is going with me, so he will be in the same…

Filial Responsibility

“Am I my brother’s keeper?” Genesis 4:9 Keeper – “It’s his problem.” “I can’t be responsible for everything!” “He’s just got to grow up.” Have you ever heard yourself saying something like this? In a world system that emphasizes the individual, we often defer involvement, feeling as though the best we can do is make…

Joel 2:32

Sorry everyone.  Today’s Word reference should be Joel 2:32, not Joel 3:5.  I don’t know how I messed that up. Skip Mil disculpas a todos. La referencia a la Palabra de Hoy debió ser Joel 2:32, no Joel 3:5. No se como cometí ese error. Skip Mis disculpas – también fue mi error. Bessy

The Perfect Getaway

“And it shall come to pass that whoever shall call on the name YHWH shall be saved; . . “ Joel 2:32 Saved – Have you ever heard this verse in an evangelistic crusade?If you knew that the Hebrew verb didn’t mean “saved” from eternal damnation, would you be surprised?Would it drive you back to…

Genesis In Technicolor

and Hevel became a keeper of sheep, but Qayin became a tiller of the ground. Genesis 4:2 Keeper/Tiller – Do you think we will ever be finished with Genesis? Each time we look there is more to see. Take this apparently innocuous verse. It doesn’t seem to have much theological importance, does it? But maybe…

Bound and Determined

Those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, bound in affliction and iron; Psalm 107:10 Shadow of Death – The seventeen occurrences of the Hebrew word salmawet are found only in five books of the Bible: Job, Psalms, Isaiah (once), Jeremiah (twice) and Amos (once). Clearly the word is at home in…