Food For Thought

He satisfies the thirsty soul and He fills the hungry soul with good. Psalm 107:9 With Good – Did you expect that? Wouldn’t we expect the psalmist to say, “He fills the hungry soul with food?” After all, isn’t this verse about what we need to survive? The Hebrew mi le-tov is literally “He satisfies…

Sha’ul Unraveled

you therefore who teach another, do you not teach yourself? Romans 2:21 You – Do you know what a “straw man” is? Sure you do. It isn’t the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. It’s a fictitious person in an argument; someone that embodies the views of the opponent so we are able to conduct…

Chain Letter

and all the brethren who are with me, to the churches of Galatia: Galatians 1:2 Churches – When you read the Bible, do you pay attention to the proper context, culture and historical circumstances behind the text? Or do you read the Bible as if it was written for you yesterday? This is not a…

Evangelism Games

and He said to them, “Follow me, . . .” Matthew 4:19 Follow – Although this passage about fishers of men is used frequently, it contains a few gems that aren’t usually uncovered. A closer look reveals God’s evangelism games. First, the Greek verb used here is really two words, deute opiso. Literally, this means…

Hospital Need

Hello Skip: I am coming before the body of Christ for a need. As you may recall, I was to get some money for a contest I entered several months ago, and I was counting on the money.  As of this date, it has not been sent, and I keep praying, but am now wondering…

Moveable Feast

For in the day of evil He hides me in His booth; in the covering of His tent He hides me; Psalm 27:5 Booth – The Hebrew word, sok, is the basic word behind the Feast of Sukkoth. This is the feast of the harvest, celebrated in the Fall, the fifteenth day of the seventh…

Gone Fishing

For in the day of evil He hides me in His booth; in the covering of His tent He hides me; Psalm 27:5 Hides – Have you ever wanted to run and hide? When you were a child, it was a game. Now it’s real. Sometimes the world just comes unleashed, shows up at your…

Privacy Issues

And they sewed leaves of the fig tree and made loin coverings for themselves. Genesis 3:7 Loin Coverings – As Adam discovered, fig leaves don’t really do the job. Rembrandt might have used them to cover certain parts of the body, but I don’t think that is the point of this text. The Hebrew word…

The Great Commission

“and I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; . . .” Matthew 16:18 I – We need a new Bible, the Word of God according to evangelical interpreters. Of course, you might argue that we already have such a book. I had two men…