Bi-Polar Communities

I’ve noticed a few things over the last months.  Our community seems to have two wonderful strains going at the same time.  We have a group of serious biblical exegetes – those who are willing to turn over all the stones to find the truth.  This group follows the theological paths that I only hint…

Ultimate Evil

Depart from evil, and do good. Psalm 34:15 Evil – What can we do about all these terrible things in the world? We live in the age of the worst genocides in history. We are exposed daily to man’s inhumanity. We see corruption all around us. We can hardly go through a single day without…

Unholy Rollers

“You of little faith, why did you doubt?” Matthew 14:31 Doubt – “There is no word in Biblical Hebrew for doubt; there are many expressions of wonder. Just as in dealing with judgments, our starting point is doubt, wonder is the Biblical starting point in facing reality. The Biblical man’s sense for the mind-surpassing grandeur…

Category Mistakes

“Therefore, you are to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Matthew 5:48 Perfect – When the translators of Matthew used the English word “perfect” as the equivalent of the Greek teleios, they made a terrible mistake. Yes, the Greek word teleios does mean “perfect.” It also means “to be complete, to be fully…

CONNEX-ions Working

I just got this from David.  It’s so cool to see this happening!!! Skip: Thought you might like to know that the Southwest Ohio zip codes are going to be getting together for lunch at Wendy’s here locally on Friday next to get acquainted and see if the Lord takes us further as we “connect”…

Change of Direction

“How long will you go here and there, O faithless daughter? For the LORD has created a new thing in the earth – A woman will encompass a man.” Jeremiah 31:22 Encompass – The last step in understanding the role and status of women in the Old Testament is the discussion of the “new” covenant….

Living Hell

“and I will cut him off from among My people. So you will know that I am YHWH.” Ezekiel 14:8 Cut Off – The Hebrew phrase that describes acknowledging my sin as the first step in repentance is ha-karat ha-chet. Literally, this is “the sin that cuts off.” These words tell us that unless and…

Divine Karaoke

Then Moses and the sons of Israel sang this song to YHWH Exodus 15:1 Sang – shiyr is the Hebrew verb, “to sing.” Most of the time the word is used in connection with worship. The pictograph tells us that the word is about deeds or work that consumes the person. In other words, singing…


I’m back.  After being gone for 85% of the days of July, I expect to be home for most of August.  So, I will try my best to answer emails and catch up.  If you didn’t get a response to something you were really concerned about, send your inquiry again, please.  I may not catch…