Guardians of the Way

and He drove the man out. And He caused to dwell the cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden, Genesis 3:24 Cherubim – Sin causes tragic results. One of first tragedies was expulsion from the Garden. Once Adam and Eve ate from the Tree, they had to be driven from the place of…

One Leads To Another

And the man called the name of his wife, Eve, because she became the mother of all living.  Genesis 3:20 Eve – Of course, we know that the name Eve is a corruption of the real text.  The man did not call her Eve.  He called her by the Hebrew name Havvah.  Why is it…

Avoiding Collateral Damage

When you make a loan of any sort to your countryman, you must not enter his house to seize his pledge.  You must remain outside, while the man to whom you made the loan brings the pledge out to you.  Deuteronomy 24:10-11 Pledge – If you make a loan to a member of the community…


For all of you who sent your information to see if we can connect with someone locally, please be patient.  I have to coordinate all the ZIP codes now. Skip If you didn’t give your information, what’s up with that?  Do it.  Unless you like trying to do all this on your own. Go here


When you have set aside in full the tenth part of your yield –in the third year, the year of the tithe – and have given it to the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, Deuteronomy 26:12 Tenth Part – Every year it seems like we hear the same questions:  “Do I really…

Carry On

Hi all, I am scrambling from being 10 days on the road and now 2 days at home and then 6 days gone again.  So, comments and replies might be a little retarded (no pun intended). Carry on. Skip

The Dead Pool

Or are you ignorant that all who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?  Romans 6:3 Death – Someone once asked George Muller what was his secret for serving God?  In his reply, Muller said, “There was a day I died to George Muller, his opinions, preferences, taste and will, and died…

AMAZING GRACE! for everyone

In the last few weeks we have witnessed two wonderful things happen in our little cyber community.  First, many people are connecting to a great discussion on Hebraic thinking, patterns, festivals and exegesis.  Now, some of them are getting connected beyond this web page foundation.  They are deciding to do life together by connecting with…

Breaking All The Rules

“Let YHWH judge between me and you.”   Genesis 16:5 Judge – “What consumes the word of covenant.”  How can this imagery be true of the Hebrew word shaphat (Shin-Pey-Tau)?  This word picture must be wrong.  Isn’t judging about restoration?  Didn’t we just learn that mishpat (from shaphat) is intended to bring reconciliation?  Stop.  Think about…