Care-Less Freedom

Then stand firm in the freedom with which Christ made us free, and do not again be held with a yoke of slavery.  Galatians 5:1 Freedom – Heinrich Schlier wrote an incredibly insightful article on the Greek word eleutheros. His comments are so good that they are worth contemplating: The NT . . . realizes…

The Delusion of Freedom

Then stand firm in the freedom with which Christ made us free, and do not again be held with a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 Freedom – Are you free? Don’t be too quick to answer. It depends on your concept of freedom. In order to understand what Paul says about freedom in Christ, we…

Phoenix Prayer Please

I arrived in Phoenix today in preparation for a great meeting with many in our community on Wednesday.  When I called Cyndee to tell her we were here, I discovered she is in the emergency room at the hospital.  Please pray for her right now, as soon as you read this.  She is a faithful…


I am on my way to Phoenix where I will spend some time with Patrick.  We have determined that we can sort the donor base in a way so that you can know who is reading Today’s Word in your neighborhood but ONLY IF YOU WANT TO.  What we will do is make a way…

Back To The Future

All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord; and all the families of the nations shall worship before You.  Psalm 22:28 Turn – If there is one verb in Hebrew that summarizes God’s message to human beings, it is shuv.  Used more than 1000 times in Hebrew Scripture, shuv has…

Victory Song

All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord; and all the families of the nations shall worship before You.  Psalm 22:28  (Hebrew text) Remember – Do you know the beginning of the 22nd Psalm?  “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  That doesn’t sound like a victory song, does…

Comment Conference

WOW!  There are so many great comments on the blog in the last few days.  If you haven’t been following the comments on Christ and culture (The Chameleon Christ) or the discussion of Acts 15 (Bob Gorelik comments and A Case of Mistaken Identity), then you are really missing out.  In fact, the material is so…