
Just in case you didn’t see this (we had a few server problems over the weekend), please take a look

Chasing The Dream

so then let us pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another. Romans 14:19 Pursue – What do you really pursue? Be honest with yourself. Don’t consider the ideals that float around in the culture. Look at your behavior. Assess yourself as though you were an outside observer. Examine…


  Name one hundred important Biblical people.  I’ll bet you can’t.  I’ll bet that after you get past the New Testament writers, the patriarchs, a few of the prophets, some of the recognizable women and maybe one or two others, you’ll get stuck.  If I asked you to name two hundred, you would certainly fail. …

Put To Use

I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself;  Romans 14:14 Unclean – Chapter 14 of the letter to the Romans is often used to defend the idea that Torah instructions no longer apply to Christians.  In particular, some verses in this chapter are used to set aside the…

Crisis in Honduras

As you know, Bessy has been faithfully translating Today’s Word into Spanish for many years now.  I heard from her two days ago.  There is the possibility of a civil coup in Honduras.  There is a lot of political tension and some heavy influence from Hugo Chavez.  Things are very scary.  Bessy’s children are in…

The St. Paul Diet

But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts  Romans 13:14  Provision – It’s that last ten pounds.  We start diets to lose weight.  The first few pounds come off.   Then we get invited to a dinner party or we go to the movies or…

A Case Of Mistaken Identity

telling about the conversion of the Gentiles and they caused great joy to all the brothers.  Acts 15:3 Conversion – The word “conversion” is used only once in the New Testament.  It is epistrophe.  It comes from two Greek words that literally mean “to turn toward or return.”  Anyone familiar with Hebrew immediately recognizes the…

Opposition to Boycott of Israel

This news release may be of interest to our group, so I am passing it on to you.   Skip CBM Divestment Boycott began June 20 in US   On this past June 20th (UN World Refugee Day), a grassroots boycott of Israeli-made products, a tactic that has been occurring in Europe since the recent…