What’s Happening Here?

And He said, “Hagar, Sarai’s slave-girl, where did you come from and where are you going?”  Genesis 16:8 Where – You will recall the difference between ‘ayyeh and ‘eypoh.  ‘ayyeh (short form ‘ay) is “where” as a statement of surprise, like “Why aren’t you here where I expected you to be?”  ‘eypoh is “where” like…

Why Go To School?

But now that faith has come, you are no longer under a tutor.  Galatians 3:25 Tutor – Aside from the fact that education in some countries is compulsory, why would you want to go to school?  Do you spend your time in school only to occupy your day?  Do you feel as though you are…


Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves.  Romans 15:1 Ought – This verse isn’t fair.  If my spiritual walk is deeper and more trusting than yours, why should I have to modify my behavior just so that you aren’t disturbed or upset.  After…

Paradigm Shifts: A Change in Method

Are you salt?  Jesus used this metaphor to help us understand the effect that we are to have on the surrounding culture.  We are not to be unnoticed, blended consistency.  We are supposed to make a difference – a difference that is immediately detected.  Christians flavor life with a God-perspective. You probably agree.  What’s the…

Sodom’s Sin Today

I will go down and see if they have at all done according to the cry coming to me  Genesis 18:21 Cry – As in the days of Noah, the days of Ezekiel and the days of Jonah, a cry went up to the Lord.  He heard it and decided to bring judgment upon the…

Hebrew Architecture

After these things, the word of YHWH was manifest to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not fear, Abram, I am a shield to you, your reward will increase greatly.” Genesis 15:1 Shield – As we all know, Hebrew is a language written only in consonants. Furthermore, it lacks any punctuation. That means that the…

Scary Demographics

It’s possible that you have already seen this excellent video about the new shape of the world.  If not, please take a look.  As a global community, we are marching toward the domination of idolatry.   Demographics of the world to come

Some Weekend Thoughts

We are fast approaching the middle of the year.  I thought it would be good for the community to share where I think we are going.  For 6 years, Today’s Word was pretty much an information source for deeper understanding of the Bible.  It started as my journey from personal tragedy toward spiritual recovery.  Just…

A Special Kind Of Help

And said YHWH Elohim, “It is not good for man to be alone; I will make for him a [‘ezer kenegdo].” Genesis 2:18 ‘ezer kenegdo – The Bible was not written with chapter and verse numbers. Those were added thousands of years later. Unfortunately, their addition often breaks our thinking about the text so that…