Israel Reminder

Just in case you were still thinking about the trip to Israel in October, I have 2 openings.  If you are seriously interested, you will need to respond quickly.  Send me an email.  We leave October 14 and return October 25.  Rabbi Bob Gorelik is going to be the lead teacher, and, me, of course….

The Great Risk

And said YHWH Elohim, “It is not good for man to be alone; I will make for him a helper [kenegdo].” Genesis 2:18 Kenegdo – Are you ready to talk about risk? Yesterday we learned that there is something incredibly important happening in God’s design of Woman, the ‘ezer kenegdo. Built into this design is…

Your Advice Taken

Thank you all so much for offering your helpful suggestions.  Bessy and I have gone over every comment. Many offered insights into cultural issues, help with the next step and other useful suggestions like sponsorship.  Here’s what we have come to believe: 1. Most of the 250 readers are NOT in the poorest of the…

Double Preposition-alism

And said YHWH Elohim, “It is not good for man to be alone; I will make for him a helper corresponding to him.” Genesis 2:18 Corresponding To Him – When Scripture uses an odd combination of words to describe something as important as Woman, we had better pay attention. And nothing is stranger than the…

Your Advice, Please

This is a request for advice from the English reading audience of Today’s Word.  As you know, we decided to move toward a community that consisted of people who valued Today’s Word enough to contribute toward the goals of the community.  With your help, we have now distributed funds and other forms of help to…

Can You Help?

My friend, Amy Gomes, has been a beacon of light for disabled kids for many years.  I have known about her efforts in the Ukraine, so I asked her to write about what she is doing so that all of you would know.  What she isn’t telling you is that she has personally added debt…

Internal Contradiction

“But of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you shall not eat of it; for in that day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” Genesis 2:17 But – “Don’t eat those cookies!” Mom was emphatic. She pointed to the freshly-baked chocolate-chip cookies on the counter. The message was clear,…


Our Father, Our King, You are our only hope.  In times for great distress, You lift us up.  In times of joy, You are our celebration.  We rejoice in You, O Lord, for You never fail.  You have lead us in paths of righteousness.  Your protection hovers over us.  You give us peace.  We praise…

Where Are You?

“Here are the firestone and the wood; but where is the sheep for the burnt offering?” Genesis 22:7 Where – So much is hidden from us.  Not deliberately, of course.  It is simply hidden because of the translation.  But once you see it, oh my!  What a difference it makes.  There it was, all the…