Subliminal Theology

Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, even to the Israel of God Galatians 6:16 (NIV translation) Even – By now you must realize that you and I are victims of the translators’ theological persuasion.  When we read the text in any language but the original, we must rely on the clinical honesty…

The Cost of Conversion

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Yeshua the Messiah whom You have sent.” John 17:3 (with corrections) Know – “For just another $29,000, we anticipate 100,000 decisions for Christ,”  the voice on the phone enthusiastically proclaimed.  Let’s see.  If I do the math quickly, that’s about…

Bottom of the Text

Anything going on its belly, and anything going on all four, and all having many feet Leviticus 11:42 Belly –  In the midpoint of the torah is the word “belly” (Hebrew gachon).  At the very center of the torah, the midpoint letter is enlarged.  If you were reading in Hebrew, you would see it like…


For who knows what is good for a man during his lifetime, during the few years of his futile life? Ecclesiastes 6:12 Good – Ecclesiastes is the greatest evangelical tract every written.  By the time you finished reading it, there are really only two options in life:  follow God or commit suicide.  If Ecclesiastes doesn’t…

Laundry Day (2)

“Blessed are those doing His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter into the gates of the city.” Revelation 22:14 Doing His Commandments – We have a problem.  You see, there is an alternative reading for this verse in the Greek text.  Instead of “washing their robes,”…

Laundry Day (1)

“Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter into the gates of the city.” Revelation 22:14 NASB Wash Their Robes – Is God really interested in laundry day?  Do we really have to clean our clothes before we can enter into His…


and there shall no longer be any curse Revelation 22:3 Curse – Do you remember what the Hebrew word for curse really means? ‘arar means binding, hedging in with obstacles and rendering powerless.  We have lived in a world that has been bound since the days of Adam.  But some day things will change.  Some…

The Good Life

“that they may have My joy fulfilled in them.” John 17:13 Fulfilled – Jesus does not plan a “cheerless barren existence” for His followers.  He anticipates and provides for a life of joy!  I wonder if we truly believe that – and if we are experiencing this “full of grace and beauty” living.  I suspect…

Unity Defined (2)

“keep them in Your name; those you gave to Me, that they may be one as We are.” John 17:11 May Be – Sometimes it takes a Greek phrase to give us deeper insight into a text.  This may be one of those times.  Most of us read this prayer and assume that Jesus is…

Unity Defined (1)

“keep them in Your name; those you gave to Me, that they may be one as We are.” John 17:11 One – Why are we so divided?  Why do we argue over theological details, church policy, evangelical focus?  Why does every group of believers build its own steepled fortress?  If “ecumenical” is a bad word,…