The History of Election

For the LORD has chosen Jacob for Himself, Israel for His own possession.  Psalm 135:4 Has Chosen – Understanding Paul’s use of the Greek verb ekelegomai requires that we take a long look at the Hebrew concept behind the idea of election.  After all, Paul thinks like a Hebrew even if He writes in Greek. …

Healthy Thinking

But as for you, speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine.   Titus 2:1 Sound Doctrine – With all the dissension in Christian circles over doctrinal differences, how do we know what is sound and what is not?  There are so many denominational disparities that many are left with the impression that the only…

The Wisdom Genie

For wisdom is better than jewels; and all desirable things cannot compare with her.   Proverbs 8:11 All Desirable Things – You get one wish.  What is your desire?  Wait, don’t think small.  Really let it go.  What is your greatest desire?  Of all the things that you can think of, what appeals the most?  Do…

Fit For A King

Listen, for I will speak noble things;  Proverbs 8:6 Noble Things –  “Listen,” says Wisdom.  Of course, there is no point in listening unless what you are about to hear has some bearing on your life.  Wisdom knows perfectly well that human beings are motivated by self-interest.  Not always, of course.  Sometimes we are altruistic. …

Worth Remembering

Listen, for I will speak noble things;  Proverbs 8:6 Listen – It’s worth remembering that the Hebrew word for “listen” is shama.  It has an umbrella much larger than simply absorbing sound waves.  Shama also means, “to obey, to consider or regard, to proclaim and to understand.”  When Wisdom speaks, we are to do a…

Red Pencil Rules

My son, do not reject the discipline of the LORD or loathe His reproof  Proverbs 3:11 Loathe – “God is good all the time.”  Have you seen the stickers and T-shirts?   What do you think when you read that statement?  Do you believe it?  Is God really good all the time?  If He is, then…

Presumptive Arrogance

Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and also do this or that.”  James 4:15 Instead – What difference does it really make?  We can go through the motions of saying “If the Lord wills,” a common expression in the last century, but does it really matter?  After all, we…

Divine Put-Downs

Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.  James 4:4 Makes Himself – One more look at this verse is probably all we can take for the moment.  But one more look is quite revealing.  The Greek word used here is kathistatai.  It means “to set in…

Thought Control

Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.  James 4:4 Wishes – “But, I’m not a friend of the world!” you complain.  “This scripture isn’t about me.  I believe in Jesus.”  Well, maybe we need to carefully examine the Greek here.  The translation “wishes” doesn’t exactly capture…

Selling St. Peter’s

And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer;’ but you are making it a robbers’ den.”  Matthew 21:13 Robbers’ – The Vatican is perhaps the most overwhelming monument in the world to the power of Christianity.  Just standing in the square in front of St. Peter’s…