What the Fool Lacks

“A man with an evil eye hastens after wealth and does not know that want will come upon him.” Proverbs 28:22 Want – Cindy Lauper vocalized the culture’s mantra: “Money fixes everything.” If you allow the world to prescribe your antidote to want, you would certainly believe her. Everywhere we look, this world bows down…

A Little Short

“Suppose the fifty righteous are lacking five, will you destroy the whole city because of five?”  Genesis 18:28 Are Lacking – David knows the God who provides.  Abraham knows the God who permits.  “I shall not want” uses the same verb as “fifty lacking five”.  What does this tell us about the character of God? …

The God of Community

“The grace of the  Lord of us, Jesus Christ, (be) with all of you.  Amen.” Revelation 22:21 (Literal Translation) With – What is the last thing John wants us to remember?  Grace!  Charis.  The overriding message of God’s plan of redemption.  Joy, rejoicing, favor.  The thing that causes acceptance and benefit.  What transforms.  Goodwill.  The…

Red Flags at the Red Sea

“And the LORD said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me?  Tell the sons of Israel to go forward.”” Exodus 14:15 Go Forward – You face fearful obstacles.  There seems to be no way of escape.  You can’t imagine how you will get through it.  You’re convinced the God brought you to this…

Saying What Can’t Be Said

“For the lips of an adulteress drip honey and smoother than oil is her speech” Proverbs 5:3 Lips and Speech – Propriety prevents Solomon from being explicit.  But anyone with half a Hebrew brain knows there is more to this observation than talking.  This is especially true when we realize that our translation “speech” has…

Biblical Tautology

“A faithful witness will not lie; but a false witness breathes lies.” Proverbs 14:5 Faithful – Some modern translations do not use this English word.  Instead, they use the word “truthful”.  The Hebrew ‘e munah can mean both, but the shift from “faithful” to “truthful” does more than simply use an alternative meaning.  When I…

Destroyers in the Home

“They have dealt treacherously against the LORD, for they have borne illegitimate children.” Hosea 5:7 Illegitimate Children – Who are the parents of these bastards?  Did Hosea lash out against the offspring of foreigners?  Quite the contrary.  These children were born into the household of Israel, the progeny of good Jewish heritage.  So, if they…

God of All the World

“Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance.” Isaiah 19:25 Blessed – You can easily imagine the reaction of the Jews when Isaiah relayed this message from God.  Shock!  Disgust!  How could God call Egypt His people and Assyria the work of His hands?  Didn’t that special…