Community Issues & Prayer Requests

The First Conference in England

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Aug 8, 2013

ALL ARE WELCOME to my first conference in England.  ONE MONTH AWAY!! Here’s the information.  

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Perhaps the Final Days for Israel 2014 Tour Sign Up

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jun 28, 2013

THE FEW, THE HUMBLE, THE STUDENTS OF YESHUA  –  ISRAEL 2014 UPDATE:    THE TOUR IS NOW SOLD OUT (Sunday, June 30) 20 people will be learning in Israel between April 26 and May 7, 2014 with Rabbi Bob Gorelik and Dr. Skip Moen. This is a LAND ONLY tour.  That means you are free…

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Community Things

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | May 10, 2013

One reader in the community owns a restaurant in the St. Louis area.  He would like to hire some people, especially those attached to this community who are looking for work.  As he said, “If I can help someone, why wouldn’t I do it?” So, if you are looking for work and you think this…

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Prayer Request

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Apr 21, 2013

Dear Skip and community: I would like to request prayer for my only sister, Faye, who has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which has already invaded the portal vein, and is considered inoperable unless they can shrink the tumor with chemo and radiation, and then do a Whipple, one of the most complicated and dangerous surgeries imaginable. …

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Rodney Baker Requests Prayer

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Apr 17, 2013

Skip, Would you please post this on Today’s Word? My family and I would really value your prayers in the coming days. My mum is gravely ill and we really don’t know how long she has left – could be days, could be weeks. She is now bed-bound and in almost constant pain, barely able…

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