Community Issues & Prayer Requests

Update on Bessy Bendana

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jun 11, 2012

I LOVE THIS COMMUNITY!!  It simply thrills me to see compassion in action and to know that NO ONE falls through the cracks here. YOU have made such a difference for Bessy. In 24 hours (about), we have miles for a ticket, shipping covered hands-on help in Wilmington and funds to cover everything and more….

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How to Help Bessy

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jun 9, 2012

As you know, Bessy’s husband died in an accident just a few weeks ago.  We were all praying for him when he disappeared.  It now appears that for some reason his car went out of control and he was killed instantly in the crash, but the car went over a cliff and it was four…

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A Significant and IMMEDIATE Request

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | May 24, 2012

I just received a phone call from Bessy, the woman who faithfully translated Today’s Word into Spanish for many years.  She lives in Honduras.  She told me that her husband has been kidnapped.  No one has yet heard a ransom demand.  He disappeared on Saturday while traveling on business from one city to another in…

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Where's Rachel?

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 28, 2012

I had an opportunity to visit my daughter, Rachel, while I was in Seattle.  She is stationed at the Whidbey Island Navel Air Station.  Here she is with the kind of jets that fly in her squadron.  She will be going back to deployment in a few months. She’s a great woman, nearly 20, and…

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Where's Skip

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 27, 2012

Just thought you might like to know where I will be in the next few weeks, and perhaps offer some prayers for those I will meet and for the travel times. I am back in Florida today, traveling to Melbourne to do a 2+ day conference with the Bridges for Peace people.  Then I leave…

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