Community Issues & Prayer Requests

Book Orders and Delivery

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jan 21, 2012

As you know, I am heading for South Africa in 2 days.  As a result, books ordered on or after Friday, January 20, will be delayed a bit in shipment.  Rosanne will send out what she is able to do, but some things will wait until I return.  Please don’t stop ordering, just be prepared…

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Rosanne's Surgery is Finished

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jan 12, 2012

Rosanne is out of surgery and in recovery.  I spoke with the surgeon and he said everything went well with no complications.  Thank you for all your support and prayers.  I will see her soon.  Now just a night in the hospital and then some weeks to regain her strength.

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Rosanne's Surgery

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jan 11, 2012

Just to keep all of you who are praying for Rosanne updated, she will have surgery tomorrow at 8:30AM at the hospital in San Pedro Sula.  She should be out by 10AM and will spend overnight in the hospital. Thanks for supporting her. Skip

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Notice: Mexico Internet

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Dec 13, 2011

Hi all, Until Saturday, December 18, I will have only sporadic internet service here in Mexico.  Please bear in mind that I will do my best to respond to emails and comments, but it will take a few days in between remarks. Thanks.   Skip

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A Small Request

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Dec 9, 2011

Dear Readers, My wife, Rosanne, needs to have gall bladder surgery.  We have recently discovered that she has two gall stones.  Should these move but be unable to pass through the small ducts, she would enter into a life-threatening emergency situation.  All the doctors recommend that she have her gall bladder removed – soon.  We…

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