Community Issues & Prayer Requests

A Request from Dr. Joe

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jul 5, 2011

Dr. Joe Arvay of Colorado asked me to post this request about marriage and families. I thought it would be good for all of us to think about it. “This is not one of those gross emails. This is a serious challenge to all the men out there. This is a challenge to save your…

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By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jul 2, 2011

Our group is growing.  Brother and sisters from South Africa and America and other parts of the world will come to Israel to learn and share lives together at the end of April, 2012.  If you are planning to come with us, please contact Linda Moore soon. Click here to reach the registration material  

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Prayer Request

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | May 7, 2011

Chris, a solid member of the community, called me today to ask for prayer.  It is unusual to have someone find my number and call me, so that gives you an inkling of the intensity of his need.  His family is going through serious struggles.  Please offer prayers that God will bring them back to…

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Request for Immediate Prayer

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | May 1, 2011

Amy Gomes is one of our faithful.  She participates in our Shabbat group, attends the Matthew Bible study and has been part of the community for many years.  Her career is helping disabled children.  Not only does she do this in Lake Country, Florida, she also built a school for handicapped children in Ukraine, the…

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The Boy in the Window

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Apr 30, 2011

The Boy in the Window:  Eutychus in Phoenix (Acts 20:6-12) A week ago I was in Phoenix.  Thursday evening a group of about 45 people gathered around the pool in the backyard of some friends.  I spoke about the Genesis account of the formation of Eve, the problem with the Greek view of time and…

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