Community Issues & Prayer Requests

Family Matters – Prayer Request

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Dec 9, 2010

This morning I received an email from a reader overseas.  Her daughter is having serious troubles at school, not only with classes but with being honest about her performance.  Now that the truth has been discovered, the family is very upset.  Our sister, the mother in this family, has asked for prayer for emotional stability…

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Invitation from Adelaide, Australia

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Sep 23, 2010

Dr. Skip Moen is visiting Adelaide , South Australia on Saturday October 23rd, and would like to meet with local members of the Today’s Word community. We will be meeting with him at Coastlands International Christian Church, Blackwood campus, 236 Shepherds Hill Rd, Blackwood SA, Oct 23rd at 1:30pm,followed by an afternoon tea. Please bring…

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Tara Thorman

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Sep 10, 2010

Dear friends and family, For many years my wife Tara has struggled with some significant issues which have manifested in an increasing number of unhealthy, addictive, and self destructive behaviors and patterns throughout our 15 years of marriage. Her physical and mental health has finally reached the point where she recognizes her need for inpatient…

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Prayer Request

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jul 11, 2010

I was trying to find your contact page for prayer requests.  For some reason I cannot locate it on your site. However, I have a prayer request. I have been in construction for over 27 years on and off and the past 3 years running my own commercial construction company.  I have an opportunity to…

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Thank You from Melanie

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jul 4, 2010

I thought you might like to see this

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