Community Issues & Prayer Requests

Haiti News

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jan 14, 2010

Many of you have asked about the people in Ranquitte, where we built the road.  Ranquitte is far in the mountains, so there was little damage.  But many of the children, parents and friends of those in Ranquitte were in Port-au-Prince and at this time none have been found.  This is a desperate time for…

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Prayer Request

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Dec 30, 2009

From: Truthful Kindness <> My Request: PRAYER for healing or extra endurance: (( For two years I have not been able to consistently attend any church or synagogue, so you folks ARE my community, even tho I have not actually posted here for many months. ))  Please don’t take the following as complaints; it is…

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Some Community Updates

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Nov 28, 2009

Jan sent you a message. Subject: My New Home “Skip, Gayle Johnson suggested I send these to you & let those of you who are praying for me see how the house is progressing – the first 3 photos are the most recent taken 11-22-09 – the driveway & sidewalk was poured – please pray…

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Good To Go

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Oct 14, 2009

Thank you for your prayers.  I am on the way to the plane.  Next time from Jerusalem. Skip

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Prayer Request

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Oct 12, 2009

Well, someone must want me to stay home.  Monday morning I started to feel bad and I have been in bed all day (or in the bathroom – take your pick).  So, I am asking for prayer from the community – right now.  I want to be on the plane to Israel on Wednesday.  Please…

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