Rooftop Faith

And behold, some people brought to him a paralytic, lying on a bed. And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven.”  Matthew 9:2 ESV Take heart – (Rodney Baker provides this insight)  The very first time the word “believe” occurs in the Bible is…

Read Carefully

Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins. Ecclesiastes 7:20 Righteous – What do you think about this verse?  Does it say that everyone is unrighteous?  Does it claim that everyone is fallen?  Go back and take a careful look.  Doesn’t it suggest that there is no righteous…

Driftin’ Blues

“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” Acts 16:30 Do – “The ordinary believer is not necessarily someone who has made a major decision, but rather someone who continues the tradition of his ancestors, perhaps by merely drifting or wandering about.  . . .  The moral argument against such a person is that he…


Then the people of Nineveh believed in God; and they called a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least of them. Jonah 3:5 Believed In – Do you believe in God?  More than eighty percent of Americans answer “Yes.”  Do you suppose they believe in God in the same way that…