Dead Ends

We don’t really believe in a God of hope. If we did, we would rejoice in dead ends. No, my observation is that we really believe in the God of stoic perseverance. We believe in that inner resolve of the human spirit that shouts at the dark, “I will not go quietly. I will fight….

Dying Now

The question of life is death. From the moment we are born, death begins its conquest of our body. No matter what we do to convince ourselves otherwise, it will relentlessly, inevitably overtake us. All of us know this fact. It is so much a part of our reality that often sends us into a…

Spiritually Excused?

Proverbs is a very practical book.  If it were part of the New Testament, it would probably have been written by James.  It is about action in the world.  Of course, its content has plenty of spiritual and eternal consequences, but the focus of Proverbs is the here and now.  Do what your required to…