Death Anxiety

He is also the head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.  Colossians 1:18  NASB Firstborn from the dead – Clearly Yeshua was not the first human being to be raised from the dead.  Every theologian recognizes this.  Then…

The Final Opinion

Precious in the eyes of the LORD is the death of His faithful ones.  Psalm 116:15  Robert Alter Precious – John Hartley expresses our common assumption about the term yāqor in this verse. Life is valued very highly in the ot. David would not kill Saul even when he had the upper hand because he…

Free At Last

Abandoned among the dead, like the slain who lie in the grave, whom You no longer remember, and they are cut off from Your hand.  Psalm 88:5  NASB Abandoned – What an interesting choice of words!  Sometimes translated “forsaken,” the Hebrew root is the verb ḥāpaš.  Here it is ḥopšî, an adjective.  What’s interesting is the basic…

He Leads Me

Like sheep they sink down to Sheol; Death will be their shepherd; and the upright will rule over them in the morning, and their form shall be for Sheol to consume, so that they have no lofty home.  Psalm 49:14  NASB Death will be their shepherd – Could there be any more chilling fate of the foolish?  Psalm 23…

Biology 101

But man in his splendor will not endure; he is like the animals that perish.  Psalm 49:12  NASB Animals – Do dogs go to heaven?  What about cats?  Do animals have a “soul”?  At one point in human history, such questions caused considerable debate.  However, it seems that the Bible makes a significant distinction between animals and humans—except…

Same Time, Same Station

For he sees that even wise people die; the foolish and the stupid alike perish and leave their wealth to others.  Psalm 49:10  NASB Alike – “because the wise man, just like the fool, is not remembered forever; for, as the succeeding days roll by, both are forgotten.  Alas, the wise man dies, just like the fool” (Ecclesiastes 2:16…

Waiting for Godot

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.  Matthew 5:4 NASB Mourn – Samuel Beckett’s play raises a critical question for humanity.  It does so with a kind of dramatic insanity.  “Vivian Mercier described Waiting for Godot as a play which ‘has achieved a theoretical impossibility—a play in which nothing happens, that yet keeps audiences glued…


My days are like a lengthened shadow, and I wither away like grass.  Psalm 102:11  NASB Lengthened – For those of you who aren’t familiar with exposure problems in photography, let me explain HDR.  High Dynamic Range is the situation where the light in the picture varies significantly between highs (whites) and lows (blacks).  While the…

The Return

For I have eaten ashes like bread, and mixed my drink with weeping.  Psalm 102:9  NASB Ashes – “For you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”  Ominous words from Genesis 3:19.  We don’t like to think about them, but we know they’re true for every one of us.  The psalmist uses a little word…