Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing (Greek) Word – Part 1.

For it is not merely the hearers of Torah whom God considers righteous; rather, it is the doers of what Torah says who will be made righteous in God’s sight. (Rom. 2:13, Complete Jewish Bible) Alone – When Skip extended an invitation to contribute to Today’s Word, I knew I would have some difficulty in matching his…

Paul’s Summation (5)

“I tell you that He will bring about justice for them speedily.  However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”  Luke 18:8  NASB Faith – Recently we examined Paul’s citation of Habakkuk 2:4.  We discovered among other things that the Hebrew word for faith, ‘emunah, is a far cry…

Paul’s Summation (4)

“Behold, his soul is puffed up, it is not upright within him, but the righteous shall live by his faith.”  Habakkuk 2:4  ESV Faith – Finally we come to the most crucial term – faith.  Once again we must turn to the Hebrew background.  The Hebrew stem is ‘aman.  It means, “to confirm, support, uphold,…

A Statement of the Facts

“that whoever believes in Him should not perish . .” John 3:16  NASB Believes – The apostle John uses this word 92 times in his gospel, but not once is it used as a noun.  It is always a verb.  It always denotes positive action.  Believing is living the truths, not just knowing them.  The…


Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ; so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;  Philippians 1:27  NASB Striving – Koheleth, the Teacher,…

“Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus”

Do we then nullify the Law through faith?  May it never be!  On the contrary, we establish the Law.  Romans 3:31  NASB Establish – In the 1800’s Duffield and Webb combined their talents to produce a hymn that became a standard battle cry of the Christian army of saints.  I don’t know if Duffield and…

Chain of Command

And when Jesus heard this, He marveled at him, and turned and said to the multitude that was following Him, “I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such great faith.”  Luke 7:9  NASB Not even in – The centurion exhibited something Yeshua didn’t find among His own people.  Even He was…

Paul of Tarsus, P.A.

Do we then nullify the Law through faith?  May it never be!  On the contrary, we establish the Law.  Romans 3:31  NASB Nullify/Establish – What in the world is Paul talking about?  Isn’t faith independent of the Law?  Doesn’t the Law simply lead us to faith?  Don’t all those rules and regulations merely point out…

Praise and Worship Music (3)

“The Rock!  His work is perfect, for all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, righteous and upright is He.”  Deuteronomy 32:4  NASB Faithfulness – Does Moses’ next line describe your God?  Is He a God of faithfulness?  First, we need to know about this Hebrew word, emunah.  We have a…

Paul’s Shema (2)

So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.  Romans 10:17  NASB Christ – Is it the Son’s words or the Father’s words?  If you look at this verse in the King James Version, it reads, “by the word of God.”  That’s because the KJV is based on the Greek Textus Receptus,…