The Birthday Girl 

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”  Genesis 2:18  NASB To be alone – When I wrote Guardian Angel a decade ago, I wanted to correct the false claim that Paul was misogynistic.  I wanted to demonstrate that the common Christian…

Correct but Insufficient

The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. Genesis 2:22  NASB Brought– When I wrote Guardian Angel, I thought the title would be The Perfect Enemy.  My thinking was this: God brings into the lives of husbands precisely those wives who act as polishing stones, grinding away…

The Power of Tradition

I recently read an exegesis of the particularly important passage in Genesis 3 regarding the punishment God issues after the disobedience of the first couple.  Since the author is a well-known Jewish scholar, I was a bit surprised to find that his exegesis actually incorporated many ideas from interpretations that arose centuries later. Here’s the…

Guardian Angel: A postscript

Guardian Angel is a terrifying book for men. It shouldn’t be, but it is. And not for all men, it seems. Some men just get it. Their relationships with their wives are on such solid footing that they recognize the blessing a wife can be and they welcome the biblical validation. But not most men….

Woe Is Me!

To the woman He said, “I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth, in pain you will bring forth children; yet your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” Genesis 3:16 NASB Pain – What a twisted verse! When you read this, doesn’t it make you question the justice of…

A Reply to Andrew McColl

You can read Mr. McColl’s review of Guardian Angel on his church website, “Christian Family Study Centre” in Australia.  He posted it on 3 June 2014.  CLICK HERE for his review. Here is my response: Andrew McColl wrote a review of my book in June, 2014. He posted it on his church web site (Christian Family…

Assistance for Guardian Angel

I need a favor.  You may be aware that there are several negative reviews of my book Guardian Angel circulating on the web.  Art Cox, a minister in Illinois, offers a critical video sermon.  I have written to him to suggest he invite me to his assembly for a live debate, but I have never had…

The Project Begins

Remember the 7000 teenage girls in El Salvador?  Well, I started the teaching project this last week.  1200 girls in 5 days.  Exhausting!  But they responded so well to the Spanish version of Guardian Angel.  I thought you might enjoy seeing some of them. Next April we keep going.  Thanks for helping to make a difference in…

Joined at the Shoulder

“What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” Matthew 19:6 NASB Joined together – Every translation I checked has the same wording, “joined together.” But that doesn’t quite capture the overtones of this very unusual Greek verb (syzeugnymi). The verb literally means, “yoked together.” It is found only twice in the LXX (Ezekiel…

Change a Generation

In El Salvador I spoke to more than 1500 students about the Hebrew view of women.  As you probably know, the treatment of women in poor countries around the world is frightening, appalling and destructive.  My book, Guardian Angel, has now been translated into Spanish and is available in El Salvador – and soon, I hope,…