THE Question

How long the wicked, O LORD, how long will the wicked exult?  Psalm 94:3  Robert Alter How long – It’s the question of every age.  It’s the critical question of all theology.  It’s the torturing question of every good man and woman.  How long?  How long will the wicked get away with it?  How long…

Time Will Tell

How long, O LORD, will You forget me always?  How long hide Your face from me?  How long shall I cast about for counsel, sorrow in my heart all day?  How long will my enemy loom over me?  Psalm 13:2-3 [Hebrew]  Robert Alter How long? – We covered the Hebrew intensity of this phrase nearly…

Don’t Hold Your Breath

How long will you attack a man to batter him, like a leaning wall, a tottering fence?  Psalm 62:3  ESV How long – Three thousand years and counting.  That’s how long.  Does that seem possible?  Does it seem reasonable?  David asks the perrenial human question.  How long do we have to wait, Lord?  Lifetime after…

Measuring Stick

How long will You be angry with the prayer of Your people? Psalm 80:4 How Long – “Lord, I have reached the end.  I am simply overwhelmed by the continuous demands of life.  I want to be of service to others.  I try to meet their requests, to offer myself as a helper.  I try…