Idolatry in Action

Woe, offending nation, people weighed down with crime, seed of evildoers, sons acting ruinously.  They have forsaken the LORD, scorned Israel’s Holy One, they have fallen behind.  Isaiah 1:4  Robert Alter Have forsaken – Now we turn to the first of three verbs describing the cause of Israel’s crime wave: ʿāzab.  “The basic meaning of…

Translating Hebrew Poetry

Woe, offending nation, people weighed down with crime, seed of evildoers, sons acting ruinously.  They have forsaken the LORD, scorned Israel’s Holy One, they have fallen behind.  Isaiah 1:4  Robert Alter Woe, offending nation – Robert Alter’s translation of the Hebrew Bible attempts to use the same English words for the same Hebrew words whenever…

“Boy, you’re gonna’ carry that weight”

“Alas, sinful nation, people weighed down with iniquity, offspring of evildoers, sons who act corruptly!”  Isaiah 1:4  NASB Weighed down – What burdens do you carry?  Debt?  Past mistakes?  Children from divorce?  Broken contracts?  Public shame?  Write them down, as painful as it might be.  See what a long list you have to carry. Then…