Now What Do We Do?

Thoughts about being a naturalized citizen of the Kingdom Today Israel simmers in tension.  Everywhere you go, you can feel the potential of explosive destruction.  You witness a nation filled with machine guns, mine fields and security guards.  The presence of constrained violence saturates the air like the smog that hangs over Jerusalem.  A divided…

Return from Israel

Hello All, We have safely returned from 2 weeks in Israel with Rabbi Bob Gorelik.  An amazing trip, filled with visual experiences, significant increases in understanding the Scripture and deeply emotional connections with land and people. Patrick sent out the first collection of photos.  There will be more.  Plus we video taped all the teaching…

Pictures from Israel

I’m sitting in the Ben Gurion aiport in Tel Aviv, Israel.  The last 10 days were incredible.  Here’s a YouTube video of pictures.  It’s a fraction of the several hundred that were taken.  Enjoy.

The Big Picture

“and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” Exodus 19:6 Kingdom – A very curious thing has happened to Christianity in the last 2000 years; something that may now be finally coming to an end.  I don’t mean the return of Yeshua.  In spite of the current crop of…


On Wednesday, October 14, I am going to Israel with a group of Today’s Word readers.  While I am in Israel, I do not expect to be able to access the internet, nor will I be able to answer questions or fix problems.  Patrick is going with me, so he will be in the same…

Un Caso de Confusión de Identidad

28 de junio relatando detalladamente la conversión de los Gentiles Hechos 15:3 Un Caso de Confusión de Identidad Conversión – La palabra “conversión” aparece solo una vez en el Nuevo Testamento. Es epistrophe. Se origina en la palabra griega que significa literalmente “volverse hacia o regresar.”Cualquier persona que conoce hebreo reconoce inmediatamente la conexión con…

A Case Of Mistaken Identity

telling about the conversion of the Gentiles and they caused great joy to all the brothers.  Acts 15:3 Conversion – The word “conversion” is used only once in the New Testament.  It is epistrophe.  It comes from two Greek words that literally mean “to turn toward or return.”  Anyone familiar with Hebrew immediately recognizes the…

Opposition to Boycott of Israel

This news release may be of interest to our group, so I am passing it on to you.   Skip CBM Divestment Boycott began June 20 in US   On this past June 20th (UN World Refugee Day), a grassroots boycott of Israeli-made products, a tactic that has been occurring in Europe since the recent…

Israel Reminder

Just in case you were still thinking about the trip to Israel in October, I have 2 openings.  If you are seriously interested, you will need to respond quickly.  Send me an email.  We leave October 14 and return October 25.  Rabbi Bob Gorelik is going to be the lead teacher, and, me, of course….