Our Man Down Under

Rodney lives in Australia.  In case you haven’t been reading his blog posts, I have created this one as an article.  This man, like so many others in the community, has much to offer.  So, please read his comment added May 8 to the discussion on John 1:17.  I tried to copy it here, but…

Hebrew Manifestations

For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ John 1:17 NASB Were Realized – Previously we looked at the theological propaganda hidden in some translations of this verse.   Now we need to turn to the Hebraic character of John’s syntax.  A footnote to the NASB translation tells us…

Theological Propaganda

For the law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. (KJV) John 1:17 But – You won’t find the Greek word for this translation in Today’s Word index because there is no Greek word in the original text.  The translation adds the word “but” to the sentence.  That little addition…