Flying Carpets

then you shall inform your children, saying, ‘Israel crossed this Jordan on dry ground.’  Joshua 4:22  NASB On dry ground – Are you having fun yet?  You’re probably asking yourself, “How many times are we going to look at this incident?  È già abbastanza (It’s enough already).”  But, you know, I’m just fascinated by the oddities…

Speaking of Which

and when all the people had finished crossing, then the ark of the Lord and the priests crossed in front of the people. Joshua 4:11  NASB Crossed – Yesterday we reflected on the paradigm commitment to miracles, noting that reconciling apparently conflicting texts sometimes leads to some fairly irrational conclusions.  Today we’ll focus on a much more pedestrian item. …

A Greater Miracle

“Command the priests who carry the ark of the testimony that they come up from the Jordan.”   Joshua 4:16  NASB Come up – God is pretty great, right?  How great?  Well, greater than we can even imagine.  So great, in fact, that He does things we think are beyond doing.  We call them “miracles” because they…