God’s Rollercoaster

Because of Your indignation and Your wrath; for You have lifted me up and thrown me away.  Psalm 102:10  NASB Lifted me up – As we know, the Hebrew word nāśāʾ is “used almost six hundred times with basically three separate meanings: “to lift up”; “to bear, carry, support”; and “to take, take away.”[1]  “To bear”…

Canceling the Debt

For David.  To You, O LORD, I lift up my heart.  Psalm 25:1  Robert Alter translation To You – Lamentations and Psalms use a form of poetry called acrostic.  In poems of this type, each new line begins with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet.  In this psalm, every letter is represented except the…

Threads (1)

“It is not in the heavens, to say, ‘Who shall ascend into the heavens for us, and bring it to us, and cause us to hear it, so that we do it?’”  Deuteronomy 30:12  ISR Ascend – Once upon a time we asked, “If the sacrifice for sin occurred on the heavenly altar, then what…