Tidy Answers

For our heart rejoices in Him because we trust in His holy name. Psalm 33:21 Trust – Remember the difficulties we found in Psalm 33:22.  Trying to capture the meaning of ka-asher turned into a lesson about tidy answers and worldviews.  But what we may have overlooked is the parallelism of Hebrew poetry.  In other…


Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out. Song of Songs 1:3 Perfumes – Song of Songs does more than provide the reader with an exuberant poem about the power of love.  Of course, it’s reassuring to find that the biblical record includes an elaborate endorsement of one of…

She Sees Too

And He said, “Hagar, Sarai’s slave-girl, where did you come from and where are you going?”  Genesis 16:8 Hagar – By now you are well aware that names in the Hebrew Scriptures often carry deeper meanings.  Sometimes the Scriptures explain those meanings.  Sometimes they don’t, and we are left to discover them ourselves.  And sometimes…

To God Be The Glory

Hallowed be Thy Name.  Matthew 6:9 Hallowed – Have you ever asked what it means to “hallow” His name?  Our first intuition is that it must have something to do with honoring, like the second Commandment.  But “hallow” is not a familiar word anymore.  Perhaps is never was.  Today we are left with this nebulous,…

The Red Letter Bible

and His name is called The Word of God.  Revelation 19:13 Name – If you want to know the end, you must start at the beginning.  John’s apocalyptic vision of the return and judgment of the Lord is unintelligible without the Hebrew Scriptures.  A name is never just a name.  A name is the essence…

Calling Card?

And those who know Your name will trust You Psalm 9:11 in the Hebrew Bible (English 9:10) Name – In our culture, a name merely separates individuals.  So, my name designates me as a separate individual from you.  In spite of the fact that my name might have family history behind it, it really doesn’t…