ISRAEL 2014: Lectures and Discussions

On the recent trip to Israel, Bob Gorelik, Skip Moen, Moshe Kempinski, Jeremy Gimpel and Yoav Bruck all provided insights into Jewish thought, the Jewish way of life and connections to the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament and Christianity.  Among these audio downloads are discussions concerning the afterlife, the Trinity, halachah, rabbinic background to the New…

How to Stop a Rumor

“Therefore do this that we tell you.  We have four men who are under a vow;”   Acts 21:23  NASB Do this – If you are still struggling with Paul’s view of the Torah, try reading the story in Acts 21.  James’ instructions to Paul should settle the issue once and for all.  Let’s recap.  When…

Beating the Dead Horse

 For out of Zion shall go the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn…

Provoked to Jealousy

if somehow I might move to jealousy my fellow-countrymen and save some of them.  Romans 11:14  NASB Move – What have we done?  That ought to be the paramount question for our time.  I don’t mean what have we done to human dignity, social engineering, planetary capitalism, and the suicide of integrity.  I mean what…

One Plus One

These are the statutes and the judgments and the laws which YHWH has given between Him and the sons of Israel, in Mount Sinai, by the hand of Moses. Leviticus 26:46 Laws – Did you realize Yeshua and all His followers believed in more than one Law?There was the Law of God, written by the…

Cluster Theology

“Brethren, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees;” Acts 23:6 I am – “I am a Pharisee,” says Paul. Do you think we hear what he proclaimed? I doubt it. Most of us think of Paul as a Christian convert from Judaism. Most of us think of the Pharisees as the bad guys. We…

Having Your Cake

Recently our studies in Today’s Word have focused on the rabbinic techniques of halachah and haggadah. Paul uses these techniques in his letters.  We should not be surprised.  After all, Paul was trained as a Pharissaic rabbi.  What surprises most people is that halachah was always considered binding on the audience (since it was the…

The Way of the Rabbi (1)

  I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called,  Ephesians 4:1 Walk – Paul was a Rabbi.  He thought like a Rabbi.  He taught like a Rabbi.  He wrote like a Rabbi.  He lived his life like a Rabbi. …