Biblical Maslow

“I delight to do Your will, O my God; yes, Your Torah is within my heart.” Psalm 40:8 Delight – Hebrew has more than one word for pleasure and delight. Whenever we find more than one word for the same concept, we are challenged to discover the differences. Just as there are many words for…

Fruit Salad (1)

“From every tree of the garden you may surely eat but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you may not eat, . . .” Genesis 2:17 Surely Eat – “What’s for lunch?”  “Fruit salad.”  “Oh, great!  That’s all we ever have.  Fruit salad, fruit salad, fruit salad!  I’m telling you, Eve,…

Double Your Pleasure

and YHWH planted a garden in Eden Genesis 2:8 Eden – By the time Rousseau finished refurbishing the Garden of Eden, we all thought this Hebrew word referred to a tropical paradise filled with exotic plants and erotic delights.  It’s time to leave all those images behind and look at the real word play involved…