Prayer as Gift

The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.  James 5:16 NASB Righteous – Now we reach the critical word of James’ statement about prayer.  The Greek is dikaiou.  This is a word derived from the concept of justice.  The man who is just (righteous) is the man who has been declared “not guilty”…

Tears of Heaven

The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.  James 5:16 NASB Prayer – The Greek word is deesis.  It comes from the word deomai.  What is important about this word is that it involves personal needs.  The verse could be translated, “The very strong very personal petitions.”  There is nothing general about these…

Last Things First

The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.  James 5:16 NASB Effective – This verse is so important that we need to pay attention to nearly every word.  Today we look at the first word in English, which actually translates two words in Greek.  The Greek text reveals an adjective and a verb…

Lion Prayer

Some years ago we looked at Hebrew words for prayer.  Among them was hagah.  Rather than add more words to the concept, I thought you might remember the Hebrew word better if I offered you a picture, compliments of South Africa.  So, when you read about hagah, think of this and pray with power.

Sleeper Awake

I gratefully thank You, living and existing King, for returning my soul within me with compassion, abundant is Your faithfulness.  Prayer Upon Arising (first prayer of the Siddur) Faithfulness – This prayer is the very first prayer a devout follower of YHWH says when he wakes.  It is a rather simple prayer but it has…

Reading Again

There is a time to act for God; set aside the Torah  Psalm 119:126  (Heschel) To act for God – You won’t get this translation in the English Bibles.  Most English Bibles, and a lot of translations of the Jewish Tanakh, read something like, “It is time for the Lord to act, for they have…

Prayer Request from Tim

TIm sent me this: Skip, I am requesting prayer for a young 14 year old boy that I use to mentor. I mentored him for over 5 years and in December his grandparents felt that he needed to be back with his mom in Cincinnati. He was just starting to do better. After 5 years…

A Prayer of Repentance

Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh even his prayer to his God, and the words of the seers who spoke to him in the name of the LORD God of Israel, behold, they are among the records of the kings of Israel. 2 Chronicles 33:18 NASB Manasseh – Manasseh was one of the…

Prayer Request

Dr. Moen. Hi my name is Ed Harris. I am a student at Master’s in the graduate program. My area of Study is Biblical Leadership. I have an urgent request. I need prayer concerning finances. I have been unemployed for 2 years, and have exhausted all benefits. If God doesn’t intervene and send forth provisions,…