Expanded Coverage

Who slanders not with his tongue nor does to his fellow man evil nor bears reproach for his kin.   Psalm 15:3  Robert Alter Bears reproach – The English isn’t common.  “Reproach,” what is that?  Other translations attempt to explain: “casts slur,” “cast scorn,” “brings shame,” “discredits,” “bribes,” “spreads rumors,” “defames” are some of the synonyms…

Sneaking Around

He does not slander with his tongue, nor do evil to his neighbor, nor bring shame on his friend;  Psalm 15:3  NASB Slander – The Hebrew word here is rāgal.  Once you know that, you might be shocked at this translation.  You see, only one time in twenty-four occurrences is it translated “slander.”  In the other twenty-three instances…