Bells and Whistles

Shout joyfully to God, all the earth;  Psalm 66:1  NASB Shout joyfully – Did you know that this word (rūaʿ) is most typically used for a battle cry, an alarm in war?  Oh, it’s also about praise, the shofar, exultation, and making a lot of noise, but most of the time it’s about war cries. …

Playing with the Text

O come, let us sing for joy to the Lord, let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation.Psalm 95:1  NASB Shout joyfully– Put on a happy face.  That seems to be the intention here, so the translators offer a positive rendering of the verb by adding “joyfully.” The actual Hebrew is simply the verb rūaʿ, which can mean…