The Sum of All Fears

“Utter futility!—said Koheleth—Utter futility!  All is futile!”  Ecclesiastes 1:2  JPS Utter futility! – Tom Clancy isn’t correct.  The sum of all fears is not nuclear holocaust.  That possibility might make some sense given the enormity of human evil, the insatiable quest for power, and the technological ability to exterminate.  But when you read the novel,…

Jude’s Psalm

O YHWH, how great are Your works!  Your thoughts are very deep!  A senseless man does not know, and a fool does not understand this. Psalm 92:5-6 Senseless Man – Perhaps Christmas day should be a day of serious reflection, not on the birth of the Messiah but on the foolishness of Man.  How far…