Principle #7

“and if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.” Genesis 4:7 At The Door – “The exact moment when the human being becomes endowed with the evil impulse was discussed by Antonius and R. Judah the Prince, and the decision…

Talmud Perspective

The word of the Lord is tried  Psalm 18:30 Tried – Christians have suffered for lack of knowledge.  Long ago, our faith was dislodged from its Hebraic roots and cut off from the history of interpretation that followed the Jewish path.  By the end of the third century, Christianity trod the road of Greek metaphysics,…

Some Thoughts on Prayer

The Talmud suggests that the definition of Man is “the creature who prays”.  This idea sets the stage for understanding what prayer really is.  Prayer is the defining characteristic of what it means to be human.  In other words, to be truly human is to be in communication with the Creator.  Men and women who…