The Ghost of Luther

May uprightness, wholeness, preserve me, for in You do I hope.  Psalm 25:21  Robert Alter translation Uprightness – “Two problems of ot theology concern the verb tāmam: self-righteousness and perfectionism. Illustrating the former, David expresses the resolve, ‘I will walk within my house with a perfect (tōm) heart’ (Ps 101:2b KJV, ASV margin and RSV…

Fill Me Up

Vindicate me, O LORD, for I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted in the LORD without wavering. Psalm 26:1 In My Integrity – Would you be able to make this request of the Lord?Can you honestly say you have walked with integrity and trusted God without wavering?That scares me.I know myself too…


Salmo de David. Hazme justicia, oh SEÑOR, porque yo en mi integridad he andado, y en el SEÑOR he confiado sin titubear. Salmos 26:1 En Mi Integridad – ¿Serías capaz de hacer esta solicitud al Señor? ¿Puedes honestamente decir que has caminado en integridad y confianza sin titubeos? Eso me asusta. ¿Cómo fue capaz David…