Today’s Word

A Stinking Mess

Lord, why do You reject my soul?  Why do You hide Your face from me?  Psalm 88:14  NASB   Reject – The Hebrew zānaḥ has two root meanings.  The first is as it is translated here: to reject, spurn, cast off.  But the second adds a bit to our emotional understanding of this word.  zānaḥ II means, “to…
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Defining Moments

But I, Lord, have cried out to You for help, and in the morning my prayer comes before You.  Psalm 88:13 Help – English spells it out: “have cried out for help.”  But all of that is really a single Hebrew verb— šāwaʿ.  “The intensity of the action conveyed by šāwaʿ is aptly illustrated by the fact that…
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Will You perform wonders for the dead? Or will the departed spirits rise and praise You? Selah  Psalm 88:10  NASB Rise and praise – The Purpose Driven Life.  Remember that?  Rick Warren captured the spiritual need for meaning in a book that swept Christianity.  We all have a purpose—but it’s not about us.  It’s not about your good, your…
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For and Against

My eye grows dim from misery; I have called upon You every day, Lord; I have spread out my hands to You.  Psalm 88:9  NASB Called upon – Internal contradiction!  Yes, Hebrew has a few words that mean exactly the opposite depending on the circumstances.  When an author takes advantage of this, his choice can mean either one—or both.  Perhaps…
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