Today’s Word

Whatever It Costs

For the redemption of his soul is priceless, and he should cease imagining forever—That he might live on eternally, that he might not undergo decay.  Psalm 49:8-9  NASB Priceless – What does a priceless work of art cost?  More than you have, that’s for sure.  But the question itself is nonsense.  What is priceless can’t be bought!  That’s the point…
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SOL (Sorry, Out of Luck)

No one can by any means redeem another or give God a ransom for him—  Psalm 49:7 NASB By any means – We looked at this verse some time ago.[1] On the surface, it completely overturns the penal theory of atonement, a theory that was articulated by Reformation theology and is typical of evangelical thinking today.  “Jesus paid it all” is a…
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Plenty to Go Around

Those who trust in their wealth and boast in the abundance of their riches?  Psalm 49:6  NASB Boast – If you read this verse in Hebrew, you’ll discover that “boast” is the last word in the text.  You’ll also discover that “those who trust” is the first word.  The verse creates a kind of verbal envelope.  First these people trust in wealth, then in the abundance…
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Personal Assumptions

Why should I fear in days of adversity, when the injustice of those who betray me surrounds me,  Psalm 49:5  NASB Why – This question in Hebrew begins with the combination of a preposition and an interrogative: la-mah.  It seems insignificant to us, but it has important implications in Hebrew.  Literally, “until what” brings into view…
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Mystery Music

I will incline my ear to a proverb; I will express my riddle on the harp.  Psalm 49:4  NASB Riddle – Samson was tested.  Solomon was asked.  David made mention.  But it never confronted Moses.  What is it?  A riddle (ḥîdâ), of course.  “The ḥîdâ is an enigmatic saying, question, or story whose meaning must be determined…
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Dove Tales

My mouth will speak wisdom, and the meditation of my heart will be understanding.  Psalm 49:3  NASB Meditation – “Do you meditate?”  Whenever someone asks me that question, I’m never quite sure how to answer.  Why?  Because I’m not quite sure what meditation really means.  Should I start chanting?  Should I sit in the lotus position and…
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