Today’s Word

Third Time’s a Charm

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.  John 1:14  NASB Became flesh – Suppose for just a moment that John is thoroughly Jewish.  Suppose he is operating in the typical way Jews handled the Tanakh in the first century.  Suppose he’s writing…
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Rules of Engagement (2)

Then God spoke all these words, saying,  Exodus 20:1  NASB All these words – Modern Jewish biblical scholars draw our attention to some difficult paradoxes.  Nachmanides is an example: Our teacher Moses wrote this book of Genesis together with the entire Torah as dictated by the holy One, blessed is He. . . . It…
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Rules of Engagement (1)

Then God spoke all these words, saying,  Exodus 20:1  NASB All these words – kāl dābārim, “all words.”  But what is the meaning of “all”?  This verse precedes the recitation of the ten commandments.  Are just the Ten Commandments included in “all”?  What about the rest of God’s words to Moses? Orthodox Rabbinic Judaism has a…
Read the full article Rules of Engagement (1)

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