Today’s Word

Word and Deed

All things are wearisome;  Man is not able to tell it.  Ecclesiastes 1:8  NASB Wearisome – Why is this book even in the Bible?  It’s so pessimistic!  What kind of spiritual message can be gleaned from writing that basically says nothing really matters, that death swallows up everyone, and there is really no solid evidence of anything…
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The Sum of All Fears

“Utter futility!—said Koheleth—Utter futility!  All is futile!”  Ecclesiastes 1:2  JPS Utter futility! – Tom Clancy isn’t correct.  The sum of all fears is not nuclear holocaust.  That possibility might make some sense given the enormity of human evil, the insatiable quest for power, and the technological ability to exterminate.  But when you read the novel,…
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Truth and Fiction

The words of Koheleth son of David, king in Jerusalem  Ecclesiastes 1:1 JPS Words – I love the line from the movie The International where the old Communist officer, now a sage, says, “There is a difference between truth and fiction.  Fiction has to make sense.”  I don’t know who wrote that line for the…
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Posture Perfect

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers!  Psalm 1:1  NASB Walk/stand/sit – Undoubtedly Watchman Nee’s influential Christian book Sit, Walk, Stand found its genesis in a verse like this.  Perhaps you, like me, read it when…
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One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” Titus 1:12  NASB Cretans – Crete has an ancient history.  Home to the Minoans, significant to the Mycenaeans, and a major port island in the Roman Empire, Crete plays a role in the Mediterranean for thousands of years. …
Read the full article Stereotypes

Relation or Possession (Rewind)

You shall have no other gods before me.  Exodus 20:3  NASB Shall have – In May of 2014 we looked at the important difference between Greek thought and Hebrew thought in this verse.  Usually translated “you shall not have,” the Hebrew verb plus negative, lo-yihye’, reveals an important characteristic of Hebrew thought.  The translation, “shall…
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