Today’s Word

Just a Little Change

“In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”  Matthew 7:12  NASB Treat – There’s a footnote attached to the translation of the Greek poiéō in this NASB version.  It reads, “Lit[erally] you, too, do so for them.”  That’s the way most of us learned this verse. …
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Edge of Darkness

“The Almighty—we cannot find Him;”  Job 37:23a  NASB Cannot – “Only those who have gone through days on which words were of no avail, on which the most brilliant theories jarred the ear like mere slang; only those who have experienced ultimate not-knowing, the voicelessness of a soul struck by wonder, total muteness, are able…
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David’s Duet – Rewind

That You examine him every morning and try him every moment?  Job 7:18  NASB Try – Job starts his declaration in very much the same way David does.  “What is man that You magnify him and are concerned about him?” (Job 7:17)  But maybe Job has a slightly different reason for his statement.  David’s psalm…
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Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. Galatians 3:24  NASB Tutor – According to many commentators, once we arrive at the goal of salvation by faith, school’s out.  We no longer need the law because its only purpose was to prod us into recognizing our sin…
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