Today’s Word

Wisdom’s Word

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  John 1:1 NASB The Word – Richard Rubenstein’s book, When Jesus Became God, investigates the battle between Arius and Athanasius in the early centuries of the Church.  That battle ended with Athanasius as the victor, and established the Latin Roman Church’s…
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Moral Stop Signs

Wash, become pure, remove your evil acts from My eyes.  Cease doing evil.  Learn to do good . . .  Isaiah 1:16-17a  Robert Alter Cease – Yesterday we learned that God rejects all religious acts if the underlying principle of compassion for others is missing in society.  Oh, perhaps you need to read that sentence…
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The Politics of Power

And when you spread your palms, I avert My eyes from you.  Though you abundantly pray, I do not listen.  Your hands are full of blood.  Isaiah 1:15 Full of blood – If you read the context of this verse, you’ll discover that God rejects all the usual acts of worship.  Sacrifices mean nothing to…
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Location Affliction

Why would you be beaten more, swerving from the way?  Every head is sick and every heart in pain.  Isaiah 1:5  Robert Alter Why – The Hebrew phrase ʿal me(h) is translated “where” by the NASB but “why” by Robert Alter.  The meanings are not the same.  Is God asking (metaphorically) the location of the…
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