Today’s Word

The Invention of the Individual

Jacob said to his father, “I am Esau your firstborn; I have done as you told me.  Genesis 27:19a NASB I am – Some time ago (September 28, 2018) I wrote about the shift in the idea of “individual.”  I noted that ancient, non-industrial cultures exhibit group consciousness rather than discrete, individual consciousness. I cited works by Gabor…
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The Letter kaf

Behold, I am with you  Genesis 28:15a NASB I – hinneh ʾānōkî  (“Behold, I”) says YHVH to Jacob in the famous dream of Genesis 28.  Here the text uses ʾānōkî rather than the shorter form, ʾānî. But since ʾānōkî and ʾānî are both translated “I,” we would have a hard time distinguishing the two. Sometimes they are used interchangeably.  But sometimes they…
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Your servant my father said to us, ‘You know that my wife bore me two sons; Genesis 44:27  NASB My wife– Sometimes we just read over critical details in the text because we know the stories so well.  As a result, we don’t experience the emotional impact in the text.  We end up with the Sunday school version—theologically…
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An Added Wrinkle

This is now, beloved, the second letter I am writing to you in which I am stirring up your sincere mind by way of reminder, 2 Peter 3:1 NASB Sincere mind– How often have you heard someone say, “Well, at least he’s sincere.”  Or maybe, “What he lacks in understanding he makes up for in sincerity.”  In our common…
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Biblical Visual

Reading, studying, meditating, exploring God’s words is something like this: Do you see my shoe on the way down?  Want to follow me into the depths?  The Hebrew idea of time.  A journey into the interior.  Might make you dizzy but it will be worth it. TRAVEL MOTEL  I am presently in the bush in…
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Definitively Mistaken

Examine me, O Lord, and try me; Test my mind and my heart.Psalm 26:2  NASB Examine– I don’t have to tell you that life is complicated.  If you think it isn’t, then you are probably less than twenty-five.  I also don’t have to remind you that life is messy.  We plan; God laughs.  So say the sages.  And…
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