Today’s Word

A Reason to Hate

 I hate those who regard vain idols, but I trust in the Lord.  Psalm 31:6  NASB Hate– In a age of banal religious convictions, hate is one of those emotions that end up on the psychological chopping block. Hate expresses strong repulsion, and as such, stands in utter opposition to the decree of political tolerance foisted upon the population by…
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Who’s In Charge?

Into Your hand I commit my spirit; You have ransomed me, O Lord, God of truth.  Psalm 31:5  NASB I commit my spirit– Exodus 34:7.  Yes, that’s right.  The infamous verse about “visiting the iniquity of the fathers” uses the same verb we find here, pāqad. Speiser writes, “There is probably no other Hebrew verb that has caused translators…
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Now the Enemy Shows Up

You will pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me, for You are my strength.  Psalm 31:4  NASB Net– Caught!  Tangled up!  Trapped!  In the mind-body-spirit combination of nephesh (person), feeling captured in one area always affects the rest of life.  Often we have freedom of movement but are imprisoned inside.  We struggle to…
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The Double Portion

For You aremy rock and my fortress; for Your name’s sake You will lead me and guide me.  Psalm 31:3  NASB Lead/ Guide– nāḥâ and nāhal.  Why does David use two different verbs (alliterative) to convey God’s direction? Perhaps it’s because the first “represents the conducting of one along the right path”[1]while the second “denotes a shepherd’s loving concerned leading of his flock,…
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It’s Not Up to Me

For You aremy rock and my fortress; for Your name’s sakeYou will lead me and guide me.  Psalm 31:3  NASB Your name’s sake– So God is safe.  I choose to believe that.  I choose to live my life in light of His reliability.  Waves come.  I get tossed about.  Someone I love fails me.  Unanticipated trauma strikes.  But…
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The Throne

For You aremy rock and my fortress; for Your name’s sake You will lead me and guide me.  Psalm 31:3  NASB My rock and my fortress– Have we relegated the stronghold of God to heaven?  Have we forced God to provide only a spiritual sanctuary after we’ve finished the earthly course?  Or is God really our Rock and…
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