Today’s Word


They tested God in their heart by demanding the food they craved. Psalm 78:18 ESV They craved – Have you tested God? Oh, I don’t mean, “Have you expectantly anticipated the fulfillment of His promises?” Nor do I mean, “Have you asked according to His will?” I mean, “Have you put God to the test?”…
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God of Sorrow

When I remember God, I moan; when I meditate, my spirit faints. Selah. Psalm 77:3 ESV Moan – What do you feel when you remember God? Does a radiant joy spread across your face? Or are you one with Asaph, discovering that remembering the Lord causes you great pain? Were you taught that God likes…
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Joined at the Shoulder

“What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” Matthew 19:6 NASB Joined together – Every translation I checked has the same wording, “joined together.” But that doesn’t quite capture the overtones of this very unusual Greek verb (syzeugnymi). The verb literally means, “yoked together.” It is found only twice in the LXX (Ezekiel…
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The Test of Glory

“I am the Lord, that is My name;
I will not give My glory to another,
Nor My praise to graven images.” Isaiah 42:8 NASB Will not give – In the famous Servant Song of Isaiah, YHVH declares that He will not give (hand over, set, place, allow or surrender) His glory to another. On the basis…
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At Home in the Wilderness

Thus says the LORD, “The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness” Jeremiah 31:2 NASB Wilderness – Not everyone finds grace in the wilderness. God says that His people, the ones who have survived the sword, the ones He calls Israel, find something unexpected in the wilderness. They find grace. Imagine the…
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At God’s Table

Then they spoke against God; they said, “Can God prepare a table in the wilderness?” Psalm 78:19 NASB Wilderness – Can He? Can God prepare a table in a place where no one can live? Life as it comes to us says, “No! God is not able to provide in the midst of our empty…
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