Today’s Word

The God of War (Rewind)

but deliver us from evil   Matthew 6:13  NASB Deliver – But do we really want to be delivered?  Delivered means facing reality as it is, no fantasies, no Band-Aids, no idol protection.  Maybe we aren’t so quick to be delivered because it’s so frightening.  Isn’t that exactly what happens when we turn back to the…
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Title Bout

Redeem, God, Israel from all its straits.  Psalm 25:22 Robert Alter translation Israel – The etymology of the Hebrew word yisra’el is unusual and important.  TWOT makes the following observation:  “The verb śārâ limits itself to contexts which discuss the struggle of Jacob as he wrestled with the Angel of Yahweh at Peniel in Transjordan,…
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The Ghost of Luther

May uprightness, wholeness, preserve me, for in You do I hope.  Psalm 25:21  Robert Alter translation Uprightness – “Two problems of ot theology concern the verb tāmam: self-righteousness and perfectionism. Illustrating the former, David expresses the resolve, ‘I will walk within my house with a perfect (tōm) heart’ (Ps 101:2b KJV, ASV margin and RSV…
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Esau Have I Hated

See my enemies who are many and with outrageous hatred despise me.  Psalm 25:19  Robert Alter translation Despise – Buried in the Hebrew text is a powerful repetition not evident in Alter’s translation (but clear in the ESV).  “Hatred” and “despise” are from the same Hebrew root, sane.  To hate describes an emotional reaction of…
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Bull’s Eye

See my affliction and suffering and forgive all my offenses.  Psalm 25:18  Robert Alter translation Offenses – hatta’t is the predominate Hebrew word for “sin.”  It is a picture of missing the mark, as if we each were shooting arrows at God’s target and missing the dead center bull’s eye.  Livingston notes the following insight:…
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