Today’s Word

Why God Cares

Recall Your mercies, O LORD, and Your kindnesses—they are forever.  Psalm 25:6  Robert Alter translation Mercies/kindnesses – Why should God care about you?  You’re not exactly the best of the breed.  You’re not holy.  You have a smudged past.  You still wander off the path on occasion.  You are not absolutely devoted.  Why should He…
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Lead me in Your truth and instruct me, for You are the God of my rescue.  In You do I hope every day.  Psalm 25:5  Robert Alter translation Rescue – When Michael W. Smith sings, “I’m lost without You,” I don’t think he has Torah in mind.  But he should.  Our popular Christian culture is…
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Trail Markers

Lead me in Your truth and instruct me, for You are the God of my rescue.  In You do I hope every day.  Psalm 25:5  Robert Alter translation Lead me – As a young man I used to hike in the Cascades.  Once I attempted to reach a small lake up in the mountains.  Things…
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The Torah Scholar

Make me know Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.  Psalm 25:4  NASB Teach – God wants you to be an apprentice, not a master craftsman.  An apprentice is more than a student.  A student learns the words, the principles, the ideas.  An apprentice puts all these into practice.  An apprentice copies the journeyman until…
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Command or Request?

Make me know Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.  Psalm 25:4  NASB Make me – Robert Alter’s translation of this verse carries a decidedly different tone.  Alter translates the verbs as petitions; the NASB translates them as imperatives.  Our previous citation from TWOT establishes the biblical emphasis on choice.[1]You are responsible.  Not even God…
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Press the NAV Button

Your ways, O LORD, inform me, your paths, instruct me.  Psalm 25:4  Robert Alter translation Ways/paths – GPS is such a blessing. Just put in the address, press the NAV button, and both map and voice direct me to my destination.  Now I only get lost when the guidance map is out of date.  Amazingly,…
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